Latin Poetry

Here’s a selection of Latin Poetry I’ve written recently. I generally write in meter, although many of these are works in progress, and may contain mistakes. Much of this poetry is inspired by Maria Sibylla Merian, a 17th century naturalist and painter who focused her studies on caterpillars.


Click on the pictures below to view each poem:


In indoctum scrīptōrem

A poem commemorating Maria Sibyllia Merian’s 374th birthday. After her death, Merian was discredited for plates added to her book by others, which claimed that fish turned into frogs and frogs turned into fish. This poem is written in the form of a poem by 17th century poet Martha Marchina entitled “In indoctum poetam”

Dē Ananāsā

A poem on the virtues of the pineapple, which Merian calls “facile princeps” omnium fructuum. Image courtesy of the University of St. Andrews Libraries and Museums.

De Ērūcā Pilōsissimā

A poem about a very fluffy and venomous caterpillar! Image courtesy of the University of St. Andrews Libraries and Museums.